Senior Care

Homeland Center Conservatory - Harrisburg, PA

The Homeland Center Nursing Home, located along North Fifth Street in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is a long-term care nursing facility with a Dementia Care Wing on the east side of the facility along North Sixth Street.

The Home envisioned the need for a facility to enhance the senses of the Dementia patients for betterment of their quality of life within the home atmosphere. This desire transformed into a Conservatory addition, bringing this need to a Home Community atmosphere. The goal was to construct a classical style structure with a glass roof for sunlight environment for the plants and the residents, and to open up the exterior walls to bring the exterior elements into the Greenhouse garden structure. This will allow interaction to the every day exterior environment for the residents in the Dementia Wing.

The Conservatory interior environment provides the residents with a garden setting of trees, shrubbery plants, fragrant and blooming flowers, and water falling over a rock wall to stimulate the resident’s senses and sounds. In addition, the planting bed areas give the residents the opportunity to have direct contact with the planting beds for a “hands-on” experience. 

A great building must begin with the immeasurable, must go through measurable means when it is being designed, and in the end must be unmeasured.
— Louis Kahn