Camp Hill Presbyterian Church
Camp Hill, PA
The existing church facility was constructed in several parts dating back from 1918 to 1959 in response to the growing worship and educational needs of the community.
One of the problems created through this process was a lack of a “front door” and welcome area, as parishioners entered from 8 doorways and corridors
The project includes the addition of a welcome center/entrance, total sanctuary renovations including a new pipe organ, improvements to the fellowship hall, accessibility and movement throughout the complex, and complete HVAC, electrical and plumbing upgrades.
Projects accomplished throughout our history include:
Retreat Center, Church of the Brethren New Facility for Eastern Conference, Camp Swatara, Bethel, PA
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Parking Lot & Air Conditioning Nave, Lemoyne, PA
St. Marks Evangelical Lutheran Church Master Planning, Harrisburg, PA
New Life for Girls, Christian Residential Treatment Center, Dover, PA
Calvary United Methodist Church, Master Planning, Harrisburg PA
Unitarian Church, Additions and Renovations, Harrisburg PA
County & Town Baptist Church, Master Planning, Mechanicsburg, PA
Enola Church of God, Additions and Renovations (Doubling Total Facility), Enola, PA
Emmanuel United Methodist Church, Sanctuary Expansion & Classroom Addition, Enola, PA
Camp Hill Church of God, Reintigration of Historic Facility for Reuse, Camp Hill, PA
Trinity United Methodist Church, Phase I Implementation of Master Plan - Façade, Entries, New Cumberland, PA
Church of the Good Shepard, Master Planning, Camp Hill PA
West Shore Evangelical Free Church, Phase I - New 1500 Seat Sanctuary, Mechanicsburg, PA
Mt Zion United Methodist Church, Sanctuary Expansion, Enola, PA
St. John Lutheran Church, Major Addition of Classrooms and Fellowship Hall, Gettysburg PA
Community United Methodist Church, Acoustical Renovation to Sanctuary / Chancel, New Cumberland, PA
West Shore Evangelical Free Church, Master Planning for New $30 Million 3 - Phase Facility, Mechanicsburg, PA
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Historic Steeple Renovation, Camp Hill, PA
St. John Lutheran Church, Master Planning, Gettysburg, PA
Emmanuel United Methodist Church, Master Planning, Enola, PA
West Shore Baptist Church, 3 – Story Classroom Addition, Enola PA
Trinity United Methodist Church, Facility Master Planning andUrban Site Design, New Cumberland, PA
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Master Planning, Dillsburg, PA
First Church of God, Sanctuary Modifications, New Cumberland, PA
House of Faith, Master Planning, Harrisburg, PA
Temple of New Beginnings, Master Plannings, Harrisburg PA
Abundant Life Community Church, Major Renovation to Multi-Building Site, Harrisburg, PA
Grace United Methodist Church, Property Survey, Harrisburg PA
Bachman Memorial United Methodist, Lighting Design, New Cumberland, PA
St. Pauls United Methodist Church, ADA Master Plan, Etters, PA
Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity, Master Plan Study, Multi-Site, Hershey PA
Grace United Methodist, Urban Re-Design Twelve Building Evaluation, Harrisburg, PA
Christ the Saviour Orthodox, Iconography, Harrisburg, PA
Fishing Creek Salem United Methodist, Multi-Purpose Room, Offices, Etters, PA
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Master Plan, Mechanicsburg, PA
Christ Lutheran Church, Master Plan, Additions and Renovations for Phase One, Dillsburg, PA
Charlton Church, Sanctuary, Fellowship and Classroom, Major Addition and Renovations,Harrisburg, PA
Grace United Methodist, Urban Master Planning for CityBlock Family life Center / Structured ParkingHarrisburg, PA
Trinity Lutheran, Daycare and Code Improvements for L&I and ADA Improvements, Lemoyne, PA
Progress Immanuel Presbyterian, Master Planning, Addition and Renovation, Reorganization of Circulation, Entry, Offices and Site
St. Pauls United Methodist Church, Multipurpose Building Improvements, Harrisburg, PA
Highland United Presbyterian, New Building, Sanctuary and Religious Education, 400 Person Congregation, Newport, PA
Bachman Memorial United Methodist, Handicap Ellevette and Accessibility, New Cumberland, PA
Middletown First Church of God, Classroom Additions and Renovations, Middletown, PA
Trinity United Methodist Church, Access, Signage, Facade Renovation, New Cumberland, PA
Latter Day Saints, New Chapel and Baptistery Addition, Millersburg, PA
Dillsburg Brethren in Christ Church, Study Only, Dillsburg, PA
Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren, Addition and Alterations for Disabled. Elizabethtown, PA
Calvary United Methodist Church, Alterations for Disabled, New Cumberland, PA
Epiphany Lutheran Church, Sanctuary Classroom Addition Study, Harrisburg, PA
West Shore Baptist, 3 - Story Addition Christian Education and Elevator for Handicapped, Camp Hill, PA
First Christian Church, D.O.C. Renovations Sanctuary & Education, Lemoyne, PA
Unitarian Church, 3 Phase Expansion Study Proceeding to Construction of Sanctuary, Education, Choir, Administration, Harrisburg, PA
Bainbridge Church of God, Feasibility Study for Expansion & Reconstruction, Bainbridge, PA
Latter Day Saints, New Cultural Center, Church Second Stage, Worship & Education, New Bloomfield, PA
St. Pauls United Church of Christ, Steeple Bell Relocation, Mechanicsburg, PA
Palmyra Church of the Brethren, Master Plan Schemes, Additions & Alterations, Palmyra, PA
Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church, Freestanding Bell Tower Design & Construction, Harrisburg, PA
Hummelstown United Church of Brethren, Maintenance Projects Physically Impaired, Hummelstown, PA
Spring Creek Church of the Brethren, Maintenance Projects, Hershey, PA
CJCLDS Mission Home, Maintenance & Renovations, Camp Hill, PA
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Renovations for New Offices & Nursery, Lemoyne, PA
CJCLDS Church, Parking Expansions & MaintenanceVarious Locations - Central PA
Community United Methodist Church, Physically Impaired Accessibility, New Cumberland, PA
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Major Additions & Alterations, Lancaster, PA
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Fellowship & Elevator Addition, Maytown, PA
Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren, Alterations and Master Planning, Elizabethtown, PA
Camp Swatara, Church of the Brethren Dining Hall & Kitchen, Bethel, PA
Mt. Gretna United Methodist Church, Major Expansion Planning, Mt. Gretna, PA
Center for Historical Church Studies, Church Center for Historical Studies, Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA
Christ the Savior Orthodox Church, New Eastern Orthodox Church, Harrisburg, PA
United Christian Church, Narthex Alterations, Palmyra, PA
CJCLDS Church, Maintenance & Repairs, Harrisburg, PA
Bachman Memorial Methodist Church, Physically Impaired Elevator Access, New Cumberland, PA
Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, Major Expansion & Renovations, Harrisburg, PA
Community United Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall Renovations, New Cumberland, PA
Big Swatara Church of the Brethren, Cemetery Layout and Expansion, Hanoverdale, PA
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, Fellowship and Kitchen Addition, Mechanicsburg, PA
Trinity Lutheran Church, Expansion Master Plan, Mechanicsburg, PA
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, Master Plan Study, Lancaster, PA
St. John’s United Methodist Church, Major Renovations, Grantville, PA
Epiphany Lutheran Church, Major Fire Restoration, Harrisburg, PA
Trinity Lutheran Church, Office Addition, Chapel, Elevator & Accessibility, Camp Hill, PA
Spring Creek Church of the Brethren, Alterations, Hershey, PA
First Church of the Brethren, Energy Conservation, Harrisburg, PA
Trinity Lutheran Church, Master Planning, Camp Hill, PA
Conewago Church of the Brethren, Addition Study, Bachmanville, PA
Wesley United Methodist Church, Chancel and Organ Alterations, Mechanicsburg, PA
Wesley United Methodist Church, New Sanctuary, Choir & Office Building, Middletown, PA